Thanks to the commitment of Cazcarra Image Group in the defense of social causes,we have worked with The Food Bank . As part of the campaign “Ho Donemtot” meaning “we give everything”, a group of students from the College of Esthetic, Beauty and Health, accompanied by Jaqueline Cuenca, expert in esthetic in Cazcarra, visited the headquarters of the association to participate in diary tasks like the distribution of food in the workshops. It was a busy day in which Cazcarra worked hard, classifying and keeping food. It was the perfect opportunity to provide our support and our help to many families who have gone through this difficult situation.
Cazcarra Image Group maintains a commitment to provide assistance to the most important. This is why Cazcarra supported with the Fundació Banc delsAliments in this food drive. Cazcarra, with the courage to work with all types of social associations, created Cazcarra Social Action to fight against inequalities in the actual society.