Cazcarra Image Group celebrated the first Barcelona Fashion Day with great success. The students of the Advanced Personal Image School, went out to the streets of Barcelona very involved in the project to immortalize the urban culture of the city.
During more than three hours, participants of Barcelona Fashion Day scoured the streets to capture those scenes which called their attention. Along with this initiative, the students of Cazcarra Image Group were able to feel the cosmopolitan essence of Barcelona and put their protocol knowledge, techniques and abilities, which they learn at our schools into practice.
Coinciding with Valentine’s Day, Cazcarra’s students brightened that day up by gifting the photographed people with sweets.
The following Thursday, February the 17th, the students will present their five selected photos to the teaching staff and a jury made up of Image and Photography experts will choose the best works to be published in the virtual community Cazcarra Club.
The first edition of Barcelona Fashion Day has been very positive. The students of the Advanced Personal Image School have received the new project of Cazcarra’s group with open arms, created especially for them to grow as professionals within this wonderful world of Beauty.
Cazcarra Image Group is passion, is innovation.