Cazcarra Image Group celebrated its Body Make-up and Fx Event with a high attendance
For another year, the Body Make-up Event has been a success. A lot of people went to Sutton Saloon in Barcelona, to enjoy the body make-up created by the students of Cazcarra Image Group.
The event was the result of a merge of creativity, light and color, and mostly, a lot of professionalism as for make-up techniques. The students were making up the body of their model for more than 12 hours, until the human body was turned into a small living work of art.
The event started at 10 pm with the presentation of the jury in charge of scoring the individual work of each make-up. The jury was composed by professionals of the image world and the media: image advisors, journalists, producers…
After that, the spectacular fashion show of body make-ups started. More than 50 models paraded in the runway, with their make-ups inspired in the universe and space. During the fashion show, the public could see also the most terrifying and fantastic make-ups created by the FX students.
The event also featured the special performances of the Indian dance group Deewana Group and the singer Lourdes Savarese.
The finale was featured by the director of Cazcarra Image Group, Mª Carmen Cazcarra, who seized the opportunity to congratulate all people who had made the event possible. She specially mentioned the students, congratulating them on the great work performed.